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🇮🇩 How should I report my income tax from transactions at Gotrade Indonesia?
🇮🇩 How should I report my income tax from transactions at Gotrade Indonesia?
Tim avatar
Written by Tim
Updated over a week ago

Your income from transacting at Gotrade Indonesia shall be classified as futures and commodity trading income. If you wish to report it in your annual tax filing (SPT), you can put the income in the section “Other Income” (Section D) in the Tax Form 1770.

Please note that since the transaction is deriving from be classified as futures and commodity trading, no Final Income Tax (PPh Final) is applicable. You must therefore calculate the tax based on the tax tariff applicable to your income bracket pursuant to the general income tax rules.

This is just a general overview and should not be considered as a tax advice. Please contact a tax advisor should you wish further assistance on this matter.

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